Can I drink tea while pregnant? Well,we know pregnancy can be a great deal for tea lovers,most of us can relate to this as we know that tea lovers can […]
Antioxidant -Rich Rooibos could boost your Libido
For centuries , people have been searching for foods and magical potions to enhance Their libido,but partners planning on making the most of their valentine’s day might be surprised to […]
Top 6 Health Benefits of Green Tea
1. High in protective polyphenols compounds called polyphenols are known to protect the body against diseases and make an important contribution towards a healthy balanced diet.These antioxidant compounds are found […]
What is Green Tea?
All types of tea, even your regular cup of builder’s are made from the camellia Sinensis plant.Green tea got its name from the emerald green colour created while brewing these […]
10 amazing Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea
Rooibos tea originates from South Africa,from a plant called Aspalathus linearis.It grows only in the cederberg region,250 km north from Cape Town.The dried leaves of this plant are aromatic ,they […]
Shop Rooibos Tea..why should I drink Rooibos Tea?
Rooibos Tea 01 How a local infusion became a global sensation. Rooibos is becoming a quick favourite here at Hafiksworld Teas.You honestly cannot go wrong between its robust and refreshing […]
Black Tea
Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water,almost all teas come from Camellia Sinensis plant but the different ways of harvesting and processing the plants produces […]
What makes hafiksworld Teas outstanding?
Hafiksworld Teas are true and natural teas, they’re free of artificial flavours and additives which makes our consumers reap the maximum health benefits Hafiksworld Teas wants to continue the trend […]
Hafiksworld Teas (Vision and Mission)
Hafiksworld Teas is a tea brand in Abuja Nigeria. Our mission is to be committed to people while taking care of our planet, what unites us is the fondness for […]
Rooibos Tea
What is Rooibos Tea? (Pronounced as Roy-bos) is made from the Aspalathus Linearis plant, which is part of the legume family.It is a small shrub with needle like leaves that […]