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What is Green Tea?

All types of tea, even your regular cup of builder’s are made from the camellia Sinensis plant.Green tea got its name from the emerald green colour created while brewing these unprocessed, unfermented leaves,with origins dating as far back as 5000 years, green tea is commonly drunk and grown in East Asia where the health properties are highly valued

Nutritional benefits of green tea

There is no nutritional value in terms of macro nutrients in green tea but the drink’s primary benefits lye in the the bioactive compounds it contains.

The tea one uses, the temperature and the steeping time all have a significant effect on the levels of these compounds,warm and ambient temperatures are best to retain antioxidant compounds,so allow the boiled water to cool slightly before pouring over the tea leaves and steep for between 2-3 minutes..

Written by,

Nguhemen Fiona Kpagh

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